#107 Praying

A beautiful starry night,
Story of a single soul, bit too happy,
To be here, to be home.

Between the days’ chaos left behind,
In the nights’ murmurs coming from the grasses,
Sleeping birds find their interlude.

Under an open sky,
Expanse of the green surrounding,
Idle mind, clouds going far.

Even in the mild wind
Tender boughs play an invisible music,
And feeling is faith restored.

Stories from memory,
Colourful flags of a distant place,
From attachments, a cessation of suffering.

Sitting in an extreme calm
Watching remnants float away in the stream of time,
What could have been washed away easily by rain.

In the myriad tests of life
This fear of loneliness is but a little thing,
And the smiling moon, a constant companion.

Surrendering myself
Seeing futility in contemplating paths ahead,
Peace in no knowledge of future.

Journeys that have been,
Reflections on my window are firmly painted,
Appearing on my forehead as wrinkles.

In the beauty of all things incomprehensible,
I only see reflected my own insignificance.
O’ Lord Buddha, with your affection lead me to wisdom.

I shall sing in your prayer, “ༀ་ཨ་ར་པ་ཙ་ན་དྷཱི༔“.

#48 Enchanté 

Move far away after love, so forlorn
Gone, still the heart says no to it,
The vessel of wishes would keep on searching
Still I cannot make the ends meet.

Whenever I stand in front of you
Oh, I cannot speak my dreams
When I am away, I only wish for you.

Torn were all the accessories
Of my feelings hidden behind the futility
Time flowed countless, fairytales wiped away.
Still to get back again I pray.

Dreams are tied by kite strings
Turning musically some things said
Submissive this fancy
Not some pages from a story,
Still in dreams I wish, an entreaty.

What has sailed away should be forgiven
This lovely hellish enchant; but myself, I lose in her.